She is growing so fast. She went for her 1 month appointment today and she was..
- 10lbs. 2 oz. which is the 77th percentile
- 22 1/4 inches long which is the 90th percentile
- Head circumference was 14.57 inches which is 50th percentile.
She is staying awake more during the day and has slept for 3-4 hour increments the past 2 nights. I hope she keeps this up. She is taking 3-4 oz. of breast milk from a bottle about every 2-3 hours and has taken up to 6 oz at one time!! If you place her on her back, she rolls to the side, usually the right side and she can hold her head up but is still a little wobbly. She continues to smile more and more each day and has been doing this since the day she was born.
We love you so much, Finley, and you have changed our lives so much. We never knew we could love someone so much until you came into our lives. We enjoy our sleepless nights with you and wouldn't trade a second. You are such a good baby and you never cry except when you are hungry or a little gassy. You are a daddy's girl but you have your mommy wrapped around your little finger. Again, we love you more than anything.
This is her band-aid from her shot today. Poor baby, but she only cried for a second.