These are her 2 month old band-aids. Poor baby got 4 shots this time. How ridiculous is that?
Finley just cannot keep her fist out of her mouth. When you try to give her a pacifier, she just spits it out.
It is hard to believe that Finley is now 2 months old!! She is growing more and more everyday and is holding her head up even better. She loves her bouncy seat and will stay in it for a while while I take a shower or do a few little things. She is starting to coo and "talk" more and smiles all the time. She also has started sleeping in her crib the past few days and is doing very well. At her 2 month appointment, she got her shots and it was the first time I heard her really cry since the day she was born because she really only "makes sounds" when she is getting hungry and then she doesn't fuss or cry. She remains a great baby and is starting to sleep more at night. She usually only gets up one time to eat and goes right back to sleep. She still takes about 3-4 oz every 2 hours. She definitely has no problem with eating. Her 2 month stats are.....
Weight.....12.75 lbs..which is the 86th percentile
Length.....24 inches...which is the 92 percentile
Head circumference.....15.35 inches...which is the48th percentile.
I go back to work in another week and I am not looking forward to it. I am sure Finley will be fine, but I don't know how her mommy will handle it.