Finley has been a very busy girl lately. She turned 7 months on December 5th and I cannot believe it. She has been growing so rapidly lately. About 3 weeks ago she started "scooting" and then she was crawling, then crawling faster and now she is trying to pull up! Whew! Mommy wasn't ready for all of this, but has been enjoying every minute of it. Finley has been eating more and more lately and has about 2-3 less bottles a day because of it. Her favorite is sweet potatoes and any kind of fruit or fruit combination except for peaches! She is wearing a size 3-4 diaper. I know that sounds crazy, but the regular size 4 Pampers Baby Dry fits and the size 3 cruisers fit the best. She wears 9 month clothes and cannot stand socks at all. At her 6 month check up, she was 19 lbs and was 28 inches long, which means she has grown almost 8 inches in 6 months. I believe she is going to be long and tall like her mommy once was. She loves her puppies and to take a bath. She still wakes up 1-2 times a night, sometimes to be rocked and sometimes to eat. Maybe one day I will sleep when she goes to college!!

She has learned how to crawl. The next pictures are in reverse order.

This is her getting to where she wanted....Georges bowl. Don't worry, I don't let her play in it.

Almost there!!

Getting there!!

Wondering if mommy is looking so she can go towards the doggie bowl.
She is happiest when she is moving!!

Finley went to her first work Christmas party last weekend. This is our attempt at a family photo.

She loved playing with the bow on the present mommy won.

Everyone loved her to pieces!!!

She was the only little one there and everyone loved her!!
Discovering the Christmas tree for the first time. It was there for several days before she noticed it. This is the only time she bothered anything on it. She is such a good girl.

Trying to get a picture in front of the tree!!

Yea!!!!!! Finley is happy almost all of the time and is such a good baby. She will go anywhere you go and does not like to be alone. She loves to be entertained constantly and gets bored very easily. This makes for a tired mommy and daddy!!

First attempts at a sippy cup.

She hasn't quite got that down pat yet, but we are working on it.