Finley turned 4 months on September 5th and I cannot believe it. She continues to amaze us everyday with how much she is growing and changing. She still takes cat naps during the day and sleeps through the night, most of the time. If she gets up, it's between 2 and 3 and all she wants to do is eat and then go straight back to sleep. Which is great for mommy and daddy. She is now taking around 5 oz every 2 hours when she eats and I usually give her some cereal at night so she will not wake up starving. She is now in a size 3 diaper and can wear 3-6 months clothes and some 6-9 months because she is so long. She also laughs and chuckles out loud at times and it's just hilarious. Her 4 month appointment is on September 15th, so we will update that day with some current stats. Her 4 month birthday was a day of firsts. I captured them all except for when she rolled over from her back to her stomach.!!

First time eating sweet potatoes.

Oh yeah, and when she eats, she loves to "blow bubbles" and the food all over the place as she is doing in this picture. She is really teethning and drooling everywhere and sometimes it seems like she is going to chew her fingers off. Poor baby.

I walked around the house that day and discovered that everyone was taking a nap.

Even the dogs on their little mattresses with their special made sheets.

Finley slept for 2 hours that day. I could not believe it. And she was sleeping on her side. I was trying something different.

I love this picture of her smiling in her little tu tu. It's very hard to get her to smile for a picture because she's always so busy looking around at everything else.

My future dancer!!!!
She also had her pictures taken that day and she wore her little black dress. She had her bloomers on for the pics but took them off as soon as we got home!
Mit, she is precious!! She looks incredibly so much like YOU! I can't believe how big she is getting! She is going to outgrow Mary Clare soon! I've got to see her soon!! If you don't come home soon, I'm going to have to make another road trip to see her! (Oh and you, too1) ;)
Love, Kerri
She's so sweet!!
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