was today, September, 18th, 2008 when Adam and I saw our baby's heartbeat!! Yes, that's right, I am pregnant and due on May 15th, 2009. We are so excited!!
It all started on August 30th. I had just came home from work and decided I thought I would take a test just to see. I wasn't planning on seeing anything since it was so early (exactly 3 weeks and 1 day)and lo and behold, a faint pink line. Of course I took one everyday after that and then a digital test which I included a picture of above. I know, I am crazy.
I went in on September 3rd and had my HCG level and progesterone drawn and they came back great..HCG was 80 and progesterone 30.2. I then went back on September 8th, and the HCG was 793, then this past Monday, September 15th, the level went to 14,975!!! Wow!! All those numbers are great, by the way. The number is supposed to double every 2 days and mine was more than doubling.
Today we went for an ultrasound and everything looked great and we got to see the heartbeat, beating strong at 144 beats per minute and our tiny little peanut measuring at 2.5 mm. I cannot put into words how thankful and grateful I am for this, how thankful Adam and I both are. I know many of you know what we have gone through to get to this point and I am so thankful for your thoughts and prayers during all of this. God is so good!!! I love you all!!
YEA!!!! This is so wonderful! Now we are prego TOGETHER!!! I love this. Can't wait to talk to you!!!
OH MY GOSH, Misty!!! That is so wonderful. I am so happy for you and Adam. You are in for the most wonderful experience of your life! Enjoy every second of your pregnancy!
I am so happy for you! I pray that everything will continue to go well and that sweet little peanut will be healthy! Pregnancy is such a wonderful experience and I hope you enjoy every second. Congrats!
This is sooooooooo wonderful! I just talked to you and the excitement in your voice was so great to hear! I am so happy for you both and I can't wait to hug you!! Love you!
You little booger! You lied to me last week!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations, I'm so happy for you! I just cannot explain the joy that a child will bring you! And it'll be fun to compare stories with Lee!
Yipee!! I'm so excited for you and Adam! I'll admit I have been checking your blog regularly hoping you had some good news! I took 6 pregnancy tests before I actually believed I was pregnant so I know exactly how you feel! Take care of yourself and keep us updated on how everything is going!! Yeah!! That's so wonderful!
I KNEW it, you little turkey! Congratulations!! OKAY, first things first, I'm sending PINK thoughts your way right now!!! I couldn't be more thrilled! This calls for a girls night out or in or to the beach, virgin of course for you girls "with child." I can't wait to talk to you! Love you dearly,
Oh and tell Adam I'm happy for him too! He can always coach girl's softball!
Wonderful!! I can't wait to read all of your stories!
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