
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Miss Finley Update

Yes, I am still here and I haven't gone anywhere. I promise I will get better at updating my blog in the New Year!!

I went to the doctor on Friday, January 9th. It was just a regular appointment where they check the weight, blood pressure, etc. This was the first appointment that Adam has not been able to attend. I was a little sad, but I was okay.

Anyhow, my blood pressure was fine and I am up 21 pounds!! I feel more like 121 pounds, but they say 21, so I guess I believe them. Finley's heartbeat was 146 and she started moving like crazy after the nurse put the doppler on my belly. I think she was trying to kick it off! And I definitely have a "baby bump" as everyone is calling it. It is more than a "bump" to me, it's the whole stomach. My heartburn is all day long and I think it's so bad it has "eroded my esophagus" as the commercials say. I lose my voice at times and I have an irritated throat that makes me have these horrendous coughing spells that make me pee my pants!!! It's so great when that happens. Another new symptom is swelling in my ankles and feet. The left foot is more than the right. It is very minor swelling, but I think it looks awful(because my ankles look like a muffin top on top of my shoes) and makes me feel even less attractive. I read an Old Wives Tale that says that baby boys give their mothers glow and beauty and that baby girls take their mother's beauty. I completely believe that!!!

I have been feeling Miss Finley move since about 17 weeks. And then at about 19 weeks, she was moving around all day long. I think that is the sweetest feeling ever. Sometimes she is moving around so much, it makes me giggle. I love it!! She likes when I am on my left side the best and she is up more at night and in the early morning and likes to sleep during the day. Boy, I hope this changes. I talk to her during the day so she will wake up and rarely she does. Then when she is awake at night, I try to tell her to go to sleep, but she doesn't listen. She's already got a mind of her own and is hard-headed, just like her mommy!! I am in for a long road ahead of this keeps going!

I go back to the doctor on February 2nd for a regular appointment and my blood sugar test. YUCK!!! I am not looking forward to this. I have an extreme gag reflex and just hope I can drink this stuff and not throw up everywhere.


Betsy Marchant said...

Yah for the update!

Lauren said...

Ditto Bets- yah for the update- I check daily! Also, word of advice for the GTT- take it from someone whose done it 7 times- ask for the orange not the lemon lime drink, ask for a straw and ask for it on ice!!!! Hope it turns out great- glad you are doing well!

Shannon said...

Misty, I just found your blog and OMG I am so excited for you. I miss you and Gracie at dance :( . I agree with the previous comment. Orange and cold is soo much better. Reminded me of Sunkist. It was not as bad as everyone told me it was.