Finley turned 9 months on 2.5.2010 and she awoke that morning with "crazy hair". I was excited that her hair had gotten long enough to stand up so I took a few pictures of her. Poor baby, she still had sleepy eyes and was trying to wake up. Her 9th month was so much fun. She started standing in January and just continued this in February, of course standing for longer periods of time. She started decreasing her bottle usage this month, but will probably never put it down..she is addicted at nap time and bedtime. She had her 9 month checkup on 2.10.2010 and she was 22.2 lbs (93%)..30.3 inches (99%) and her head circumference was 18.11 (93%).
She wears 12 month clothes very well but can fit into some 18 months and wears a size 4 diaper.
This was when I got her dressed on the morning of her 9 month birthday, and as you can tell, she wasn't too interested in having her picture taken.
The next day was a little better, but she is a very busy girl.
This is Finley in Lowes after a birthday party we went to. She actually had a really good time.

On the way to the party in the backseat of daddy's truck in her new carseat. She got this back in December. Thanks Ya Ya for the new ride!!
She loves these Gerber biter biscuits. She makes a complete mess but is very happy with them for about 15 to 30 minutes, which is a great help for mommy.

My favorite...Finleys smile. I never knew I could love something so much.
We went home a couple of weeks ago to watch cousin Gracie cheer (sorry, no pictures) and Connor play some B-ball.
She was chatting with her little cousin, Sophie.

Mommy, could you please stop taking my picture?
Silly girl!!
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