Well after Finley turned 1 (that was my last post) she has had a busy almost next year. Here are a couple of highlights. And I promise I will keep this up from now on. I should be Mother of the Year!
Mother's Day 2010
Not happy about waking up that morning
But I soon turn into a morning person like my mommy!
A sweet card Finley made me at school.
I wish her hands would stay small and chubby like this forever!!
I am such a Daddy's girl!
But I do love my mommy, too!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Loving my motorcycle I got for my birthday from Ya-Ya and Pop Pop.
Very sad after my 1 year old shots but daddy always makes it better and Dr. Dobson always has a sucker for me!!!
Daddy is always there at my doctor's appointments to make sure I am okay!!!
I am a big girl! Always in the 97th to 100th percentile. At my 1 year old check-up here, the nurse measured my head circumference and wrote down all my measurements and when the doctor came in the room, he looked at the numbers and said "Wow, let me remeasure your head, Finley, because that's a really high number the nurse got, and there's no way that can be right". Well, in conclusion, the number was, and the doctor actually got a slightly higher number! What can I say, she takes after her daddy!
Loving my sandbox that my Nana and Pop gave me for my birthday!
I did alot of swimming in my baby pool last summer!
Waking Daddy up on Father's Day 2010!
Love my daddy so much!
Happy 34th Birthday to Daddy in June!
This is how I find them alot, too. Daddy always goes to sleep when Finley does.
Looking cute after church in July!
Having a little supper in "my chair" as Finley says.
Finally getting some hair and some little, tiny piggy tails.
Mommy's 15 year (WHAT!) high school reunion. So much fun!
Hanging out with Addie Grace. Finley is just like me (her hair grows so, so, so slow) and AG is just like her mommy, Lee (her hair grows so fast). I have been friends with AG's mommy since I was 4 years old and I have watched her have her hair go from so short and hardly any to Rapunzel within a couple of months! So jealous!
Me and my mommy's friends babies. Gotta love it. We just miss them all so very much and wish we could see them every week!
Getting some hair and drinking some milk.
Looking cute after school. There are sweet girls that are there at the end of the day, Claire and Kristine, and they always fix my hair all different ways!
Yes, everyone, I still take a bottle in the morning and at night. It's like my pacifier (which I would never touch one of those). I say "bobby, bobby" and mommy gives it to me so I will go to sleep usually. We are currently working on this, but it really doesn't bother mommy too much. Like my doctor said "Have you ever been to work and seen one of your co-workers taking a bottle or did you see anyone in college with one? Everyone eventually gives them up-some earlier, some later". Finley's laid back doctor always makes us feel better.
I broke my leg in September and wore a cast for a couple of weeks and had to have it wrapped before every shower (not bath). Thank goodness for Daddy who always helped us and gave Finley a shower every night.
Pigtails getting longer!!!
Growing too fast! Mommy realized in this picture that Finley was looking more like a little, big girl and not so babyish!
Jaime's Tennessee wedding in October-Hanging with my fav girl, Hannah Grace! (We call her Hannah more now that she is older). My oh my, I wish she lived closer because she would make a fabulous baby sitter!
Loving my daddy, as always!
One of the very few pictures of me and my mommy. As usual, mommy is always behind the camera and never in front-the story of her life!
Daddy and Finley with the beautiful bride!
I danced and danced the night away, until...................
I couldn't take it any longer. I had to be dragged off of the dance floor.
Not loving the long drive home from Tennessee-beautiful and scenic, but not this busy baby's cup of tea.
Trip to Denver Downs during the Halloween Season.
I loved all the animals and wanted to climb in with them after I got used to all of them.
Taking a little tractor ride in my cow named Ginger.
Loved, loved, loved feeding the goats. Fed them until they were full and walked away!
We walked across the farm to the Sunflower field to get sunflowers to find out when we got there that we couldn't cut these. But we played there anyway.
Then we went to the Pumpkin Patch and picked out a few pumpkins.
Finley loved the apple juice that we bought at a fabulous apple farm/stand/store in NC that she would cry when a jug was done. I threw away an empty jug one night and came out to find Finley trying to get every last drop of it out! Got to love her determination!
Getting ready for Trunk or Treat at church in my cute piggy outfit. I would not keep the hat on at all. This is the only picture we got with it on!
Getting ready for school in my cute outfit that one of mommy's friends at work gave me.
Obviously, I didn't take any pictures at Thanksgiving. Oh yeah, I didn't go home for Thanksgiving, Finely and Daddy did, and I worked. But it's okay, we had our own before they left. And the next pics are when Finley came home from school and didn't want to take her hat off, so I snapped some with her sitting beside our Christmas tree!
Christmas pics will come next and then I will be almost caught up!!!!
1 comment:
Love the update! Can't wait to see more.
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