Finley slept in our bed because she woke up in the middle of the night and she is like her mama, she likes to have people around..doesn't care too much about being alone.
Good morning my sweet 2 year old!!!!!!!!1
Finley was waiting patiently in the recliner while mommy finished getting ready to go to the zoo!!!
When we got there, the little guy at the front said they were out of maps already!! What!! So Daddy found a much better map of the zoo on his cool smart phone.
The infamous turtle that everyone must get on at the zoo. I am not sure what was going on with the settings on my camera at first, but that is why there is such a blur.
Do you see....
a Daddy's girl anywhere?
Maybe here?
We loved watching the gorillas, I cannot believe how big they are.
And Finley went right up there with the other kids during the presentation.
I could not believe how close we were to the kangaroos. We were literally steps away.
Feeding the giraffes was so much fun, I didn't want to stop.
This was a sweet billy goat that we fed because the first group we started with had a goat on crack or something. He was going crazy to get the food and eat it as fast as he could.
Finley getting ready to ride the pony. That was her favorite. I wish we had a pasture, because I would so go buy her a couple of ponies.
This was the first pony ride on Blondie. Blondie was sweet and older. The trainer said she was retiring this year.
Well, when Finley found out she had to get off the pony, she cried...
and cried......
until she got her second pony ride.
Finley loved feeding nectar to the birds. They were all over you once they found out you had some good stuff for them.
Finley just shrilled with delight.
At the end of the day, we came home and ate and had our birthday cookie time. She only wanted us to sing to her and blow out the candles 5 times and she would have done more, but we have to teach her self-control. Ha!
The only picture of mommy and Finley all day. As usual, mommy takes all the pictures and is never in them.
I'm 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We love you our precious girl!!!
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