Today Adam and I went for my 8 week checkup and ultrasound. I originally had it scheduled for this Thursday, but I had a little bleeding and spotting scare yesterday so they moved it up. Not to worry, because my doctor said it was very normal to have spotting during this week because the placenta was starting to form. It only lasted a couple of hours, but that doesn't mean that it didn't scare me to death!!!
Anyway, everything checked out great. Blood pressure was good, weight was FRIGHTENING and she gave me a prescription for Zofran just to have on hand for my 24/7 nausea. It was a very long visit. Lots of questions, blood work, ultrasound and seeing the doctor and getting a huge bag full of stuff that the nurse had to go through. I am technically 8 weeks and 3 days today, but I measured a little ahead of schedule at 8 weeks and 6 days, which is great. They are still going with a due date of May 15th, 2009!!
I teared up, of course, when I saw the baby on the ultrasound, and the look on Adam's face is just priceless. I don't think I have ever seen a look like that. All lit up and smiling. The little bean actually looks like a little baby now. He/she was moving all around and the heart was beating beautifully between high 140's to 160, and when I tell people this, they think it is a girl. Who knows!!?? It was so amazing to see the little heart beating in the chest. It was probably to most amazing and beautiful thing I have ever seen. I will tell you..I love this little baby so much already. I cannot imagine how I will feel when I actually meet this little person. She also looked at my ovaries during the ultrasound and told me that the left ovary released the egg. I thought that was pretty cool that she knew that.
My next appointment is in about a month, on November 6th. No ultrasound that day..just listening to the heartbeat with the doppler, but exciting in itself. I will keep you all updated!!
That is wonderful!! I'm glad everything is going well.
How exciting! I remember those days. I'm ready to go back there again. If only I could talk my husband in to it! :) Enjoy every second. The entire "process" is truly amazing and WAY too fast.
How exciting!! My eyes are filled with tears. I am just so happy for you guys!! What a cute little bean! That little bean is going to grow sooooo fast!
Enjoy those ultrasounds! They come far and few inbetween.
I am SO glad you had a good check up! This is so wonderful!!!!!!!!!
What a cute little peanut already. I can't wait to find out if blue or pink is in your future!
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