
Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Okay, so if you read my post from yesterday, you probably thought..."Wow, Misty is crazy or her pregnancy hormones have made her evil". No, that is not the case. I don't know what was going on yesterday. I was very edgy and moody. I have not had a day like that. I am much better this morning. I think I was just venting slightly in my post and yes, anyone can comment on anything. Sometimes it's nice to know how much people gained, because it would make me feel better.

Anyway, just wanted to let you know I am okay and please feel free to comment if so inclined. Because I know you're all on your computer on FB!! Ha, Ha. Love you all!!


Betsy Marchant said...

No problem Misty. I won't say anything but agree with you on how shocking and depressing it is to stand on the scales everytime...even though you know it's for a reason. I used to try to strip off my shoes, socks, and anything else the nurse would give me time to take off before stepping on the scales. She probaby thought I was crazy.

Shannon said...

If I told you that the Dr. once told me I needed to stay away from McDonalds would that make you feel better? Really it happened. I was heavy when I got pregnant with Jordan, and I was actually eating sensibly. Lots of cereal and salads and stuff.. And he really told me to stay away from McDonalds. The nerve. Jordan was born a healthy 10 pound toddler.. haha. No kidding.

Missy said...

When I was expecting Anna Grace one of my doctors told me to stop eating so much. I told Timmy that if he was on call when I delivered I wasn't going, it made me so mad. I did gain around 40 lbs. Lost it the first time but now I weigh what I weighed 6 years ago when Josh was born. That "baby weight" is hard to get off.