We love you and appreciate you so much, daddy, and don't know where we would be without you.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Daddy's Girl
Finley was a daddy's girl way before she was born, and now that she is here..WOW! Adam is such a great daddy. I don't know what we would do without him. He has been taking care of me nonstop since I was put on bedrest in March and he hasn't stopped. Finley just stares at Adam when he talks and is very calm and content with him. She immediately goes to sleep when he holds her close to him because he is so warm, I figure. Adam rescues Mommy every morning between 5 and 6 for Finley's morning feedings so I can rest for 3 or 4 hours in a row. That is their daddy/daughter time together..it is very sweet and very much appreciated by mommy.
We love you and appreciate you so much, daddy, and don't know where we would be without you.

We love you and appreciate you so much, daddy, and don't know where we would be without you.
Grandparent's Visits
Adam's parents (YaYa and Pop Pop) came on Mother's Day and brought us a TON of food. Our fridge and freezer outside are packed full!! I don't know what we would do without our family. Also, my parents (Nana and Pop) came a few days later for a visit. Uncle Keith came also. It was so nice that day because my mom watched Finley and I slept for like 5 hours!!! It was great!!!

Coming Home and First Sponge Bath at Home
These are some pictures from the hospital the day Finley came home on May, 7th. She was not that happy when we were trying to put her in her carseat. Adam and I looked like two idiots and then I went and got the nurse to make sure we did it right.
Also, the next night, I gave her the first bath at home. She was a good girl and likes for her hair to be washed. I still have yet to give her a real bath because I am too tired and lazy to set up the little bathtub that Leslie gave her and my brain cells are a little gone these days.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Back to room and First Bath
After recovery in my delivery room, they moved me across the hall to post partum. It was almost midnight!!! I was so happy to get a sandwich tray and something to drink, I could have died. Finley got her first bath and as you can tell, was not too happy about it. She is such a good baby, but don't mess with her if she doesn't want to be. It's her way or no way!!

Delivery Day Part 2
Well, finally I have gotten a second to sit down and try to update for everyone. We have had a rough time adjusting this week because I started throwing up and having extreme nausea on Sunday. It has been awful. Today is the first day that I can even hold down water or gingerale or anything. I am so thankful that it seems to be going away. All I was able to do was to meet Finley's bare minimum needs because it was so hard. Daddy was a huge help, but he is so very tired, too.
Well, you have seen the "in labor" pictures. These are when Finley finally made her debut at 10:00pm on May 5th, 2009 weighing in at 8 lbs. 3 oz and 20 1/2 inches long after over 12 hours of labor. My water broke at 9:30am and she was here by 10:00pm that night and I think she's perfect in every way.
My nurse was wonderful during the delivery and my husband was the best. He never left my side for 12 hours and was such a good coach through it all. I could not have done it without him. My nurse kept telling me how good I was doing throughout the whole thing because I had not gotten the epidural in the beginning. The contractions were bearable until the third time they turned the Pitocin up, they came on so strong that I was becoming very tired. So, reluctantly, at 6 cm, I got the epidural and had a great nap. They did have to turn the epidural down 3 times because it was too much for me and I could feel it almost to my chest. Honestly, I was scared of not being able to breathe. Adam got to cut the cord, sadly no pictures of that though.
And as everyone knows that I talked to, we were not at all prepared for this. I had nothing packed, the nursery was not finished and we were in Adam's truck on I-26 going home so I could have my hair highlighted. Hellooo, how crazy am I? Adam was never happy about that, but I had to have it done. Needless to say, it was not meant to happen anyway.

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Well, you have seen the "in labor" pictures. These are when Finley finally made her debut at 10:00pm on May 5th, 2009 weighing in at 8 lbs. 3 oz and 20 1/2 inches long after over 12 hours of labor. My water broke at 9:30am and she was here by 10:00pm that night and I think she's perfect in every way.
My nurse was wonderful during the delivery and my husband was the best. He never left my side for 12 hours and was such a good coach through it all. I could not have done it without him. My nurse kept telling me how good I was doing throughout the whole thing because I had not gotten the epidural in the beginning. The contractions were bearable until the third time they turned the Pitocin up, they came on so strong that I was becoming very tired. So, reluctantly, at 6 cm, I got the epidural and had a great nap. They did have to turn the epidural down 3 times because it was too much for me and I could feel it almost to my chest. Honestly, I was scared of not being able to breathe. Adam got to cut the cord, sadly no pictures of that though.
And as everyone knows that I talked to, we were not at all prepared for this. I had nothing packed, the nursery was not finished and we were in Adam's truck on I-26 going home so I could have my hair highlighted. Hellooo, how crazy am I? Adam was never happy about that, but I had to have it done. Needless to say, it was not meant to happen anyway.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
No, I am not a slacker these days, just really busy.
I just wanted to let everyone know that the new family of 3 are all doing great and we have already had our first sponge bath at home and went to the pediatrician and many other things that I will post as soon as I can. My goal is today. I just realized there are no pictures of Finley on the website!! Yikes. I will get them out as soon as I can, but I just wanted to say thanks for all the excitement, involvement, phone calls, emails and everything else that people did during Finley's arrival. We are all so truly blessed to have all of our friends and families in our lives.
I just wanted to let everyone know that the new family of 3 are all doing great and we have already had our first sponge bath at home and went to the pediatrician and many other things that I will post as soon as I can. My goal is today. I just realized there are no pictures of Finley on the website!! Yikes. I will get them out as soon as I can, but I just wanted to say thanks for all the excitement, involvement, phone calls, emails and everything else that people did during Finley's arrival. We are all so truly blessed to have all of our friends and families in our lives.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Happy Cinco de Mayo Birthday, Finley!!!!
Well, as Adam and I were driving to my hair appointment this morning...MY WATER BROKE!!
It was quite a surprise!! I was like thinking.."what was that? Am I peeing on myself?" And then it was like a gushing waterfall!! We went straight to the hospital as instructed and the triage nurse knew immediately I had ruptured because I was soaked needless to say. This was about 9:30 this morning when it broke and I got the hospital and checked in and in the room around 10:45. I was about 2 cm when I first got here and then my last check was at 1:00 and I was 4 cm and 50% effaced. They started an IV with Pitocin and the contractions have been getting stronger. No epidural yet. But I am starving and they won't let me eat, it sucks.
Here's a few pictures of me in the room. Adam got one of his students to go to our house and get the camera and computer. That is all we have. Nothing is ready, no bag packed, the house is a mess and this is not how I planned it. But, that is how my life will be from now on as I am told.
Anyway, that is all for now and hopefully we will have a baby soon. We will keep you updated as soon as we can.

It was quite a surprise!! I was like thinking.."what was that? Am I peeing on myself?" And then it was like a gushing waterfall!! We went straight to the hospital as instructed and the triage nurse knew immediately I had ruptured because I was soaked needless to say. This was about 9:30 this morning when it broke and I got the hospital and checked in and in the room around 10:45. I was about 2 cm when I first got here and then my last check was at 1:00 and I was 4 cm and 50% effaced. They started an IV with Pitocin and the contractions have been getting stronger. No epidural yet. But I am starving and they won't let me eat, it sucks.
Here's a few pictures of me in the room. Adam got one of his students to go to our house and get the camera and computer. That is all we have. Nothing is ready, no bag packed, the house is a mess and this is not how I planned it. But, that is how my life will be from now on as I am told.
Anyway, that is all for now and hopefully we will have a baby soon. We will keep you updated as soon as we can.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Finley's Birthday!!!
Adam and I went to see my regular OB today and I was checked, had a non-stress test (which was good), and was scheduled for an induction. Quite an eventful appointment.It looks like I am going in on Sunday night to have it started. They will be putting in the cervadil to dilate my cervix and then the doctor will come in on Monday morning and break my water and start the Pitocin drip. I know this is exciting to some, but I am hating that they are gonna force my body into something that it will not be quite ready for and not doing on it's own, but I have to do what I have to do. The doctor said that I am dilated "barely 1 cm, but her head is way down in your pelvis". That was not news to me because I have been feeling that pressure for about a week now. It is painful at times.
But on the positive side, I am a planner and I am glad I will know what day it will happen and I can get everything together. I am just so excited about everything and I cannot believe we are going to meet our daughter in a week!!
This was a fast update and I promise I will get on the computer and try to put some pictures on here of my showers and of my blossoming belly and body!!! I know you guys just can't wait!!
But on the positive side, I am a planner and I am glad I will know what day it will happen and I can get everything together. I am just so excited about everything and I cannot believe we are going to meet our daughter in a week!!
This was a fast update and I promise I will get on the computer and try to put some pictures on here of my showers and of my blossoming belly and body!!! I know you guys just can't wait!!
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