It was quite a surprise!! I was like thinking.."what was that? Am I peeing on myself?" And then it was like a gushing waterfall!! We went straight to the hospital as instructed and the triage nurse knew immediately I had ruptured because I was soaked needless to say. This was about 9:30 this morning when it broke and I got the hospital and checked in and in the room around 10:45. I was about 2 cm when I first got here and then my last check was at 1:00 and I was 4 cm and 50% effaced. They started an IV with Pitocin and the contractions have been getting stronger. No epidural yet. But I am starving and they won't let me eat, it sucks.
Here's a few pictures of me in the room. Adam got one of his students to go to our house and get the camera and computer. That is all we have. Nothing is ready, no bag packed, the house is a mess and this is not how I planned it. But, that is how my life will be from now on as I am told.
Anyway, that is all for now and hopefully we will have a baby soon. We will keep you updated as soon as we can.
What? Was she born today????
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yah Misty!!!!! Keep us updated!
Hooray, hooray!! Can't wait to hear of Finley's arrival! Good luck and I pray that everything goes well for you guys. You look too pretty in your pics to be in labor. Where is the sweat? You at least need to splash some water on your face to make it look a little harder. Love you lots!
Ok, something funny. I was looking at your pics (enlarged) and was trying to look at the efm strip on the monitor. I could not quite make out your BP and how often you were contracting.hehehe
holy cow!!!!!!!!!!!! can't wait to hear more!! praying for you!
YAY!! Bets just called me to inform me of Finley's Birthday! (hopefully) What a great birthday, Cinco de Mayo!! I'm thrilled for you! I can't wait to see photos of her. You, by the way, look great! Keep the updates coming!!
How exciting!! I agree - you do look great!
MISTY!!! Great news! I keep checking for updates. Can't wait to hear of the arrival!
Misty, you look great. I just got chills when I read about this on facebook. Cannot wait to see baby Finley!
Just had to check in! Hope your night went well! Love you all, Kerrid
Can't wait to hear all about Miss Finley! Congratulations!
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