Well, you have seen the "in labor" pictures. These are when Finley finally made her debut at 10:00pm on May 5th, 2009 weighing in at 8 lbs. 3 oz and 20 1/2 inches long after over 12 hours of labor. My water broke at 9:30am and she was here by 10:00pm that night and I think she's perfect in every way.
My nurse was wonderful during the delivery and my husband was the best. He never left my side for 12 hours and was such a good coach through it all. I could not have done it without him. My nurse kept telling me how good I was doing throughout the whole thing because I had not gotten the epidural in the beginning. The contractions were bearable until the third time they turned the Pitocin up, they came on so strong that I was becoming very tired. So, reluctantly, at 6 cm, I got the epidural and had a great nap. They did have to turn the epidural down 3 times because it was too much for me and I could feel it almost to my chest. Honestly, I was scared of not being able to breathe. Adam got to cut the cord, sadly no pictures of that though.
And as everyone knows that I talked to, we were not at all prepared for this. I had nothing packed, the nursery was not finished and we were in Adam's truck on I-26 going home so I could have my hair highlighted. Hellooo, how crazy am I? Adam was never happy about that, but I had to have it done. Needless to say, it was not meant to happen anyway.
OH Mit, she is ADORABLE! You all did a fantastic job! So glad to know that you are feeling a bit better! I know these first couple of weeks will be a blur, so enjoy them a much as you can! I can't wait to meet Miss Finley in person! Thanks so much for the photos, I've been anxiously awaiting to see her sweet face! The YaYa's and I will be up to visit ASAP, I promise! (You know how hard it is to get all of us going in the same direction!)
Take care and give Finley a big neck smooch (My FAVORITE) from her Aunt Kerri!
Misty, she is beautiful! I've been waiting on you to post some pics! I'm glad that you and Finley are doing well. You have so much to look forward to with that sweet baby girl!
Great job Misty!!
Misty-she's perfect!!! I am so glad to "see" her! I have been stalking your blog everyday hoping to see pics of her. I hate you have been so sick. Being sleep deprived is enough to deal with without sickness too! Kerri and I are planning to rally the crew up for a visit week after next once she is out of school! Enjoy everyday with her-it flies by!!!
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